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Hand made in Durham, our Wild Flower Seed Balls are made using a beautiful mix of British wildflower seeds. All the seeds are UK native species and designated by the Royal Horticultural Society as Perfect for Pollinators. Bee Balls just need to be scattered onto cleared ground to create a wildflower meadow that will help bring the bees back. Approx. 15 beeballs per sack, the Beeballs come packed in a hessian sack, with swing tag and information on the back. Being one of the biggest suppliers of wild flower seeds in the UK, You can guarantee the quality of seeds used
Our Special Selection of Species
When creating a selection of seed to go together, we aimed for species which had been designated by the Royal Horticultural Society as 'perfect for pollinators' and settled on adding mixed clovers to Field Poppy, Self Heal, Tansy, Yarrow, Purple Loosestrife, Red Campion, Great Mullein, Cornflower, Corn Marigold, Ox-Eye Daisy, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Foxglove, Scentless Mayweed, Meadow Buttercup and Forget-Me-Not to not only be amazing for the bees but to also give areas a truly varied look and feel.
Save the Bees
Bees are a fantastic symbol of nature. That they are in trouble is a sign that our natural environment is not in the good shape it should be. By keeping the cycle of life turning, bees boost the colour and beauty of our countryside. Some 80% of European wildflowers require insect pollination. Many of them such as foxglove, clovers and vetches rely on bees. Pollinators allow plants to fruit, set seed and breed. This in turn provides food and habitat for a range of other creatures. So the health of our natural ecosystems is fundamentally linked to the health of our bees and other pollinators. Maintaining our native flora also depends on healthy pollinator populations. This includes wild flowers such as poppies, cornflowers and bluebells, as well as trees and shrubs
Quantities from: £6.50
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You are solely responsible for ensuring the goods are returned to us. We will not be liable for returns that are lost in the post or lost for any other reason. If a product arrives damaged we will advise the customer how to return the item with all return costs covered by us. Replacements & refunds will be dispatched / issued on receipt of the returned items only.
So How Do They Work?
The seeds are rolled in clay and left to dry, best practice is to throw them on to cleared soil, as the clay comes apart, the seeds within get that much needed contact. Simply water them, add a little bit of sunshine and watch the blossom appear in time.
Alternatively, you could take them on your camping and glamping trips and walks with the family or a group and make it an activity as you find the perfect spots to throw the bee balls, and leave them to the elements, popping back to the area from time to time to see what's coming through.