Super Micro Meadow Grass Lawn Seed Mix Low Maintenance Lawn

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Ideal for mixing with our wildflower seeds to create a beautiful meadow or for use on its own as a wild grass feature, this collection of grass species has been selected for their own individual qualities which combine, when mixed in the right quantities. With Euromic Micro Clover, which is an excellent match for the standard lawn mixtures and is ideal for natural lawns, the fertilization can be significantly reduced and the lawn supplies itself with the necessary nitrogen.

2% Highland Bent, 8% Kentucky Bluegrass (SSMG) Sunbeam,  10% Borneo Tall Fescue, 14.5% Comer Timothy, 14.5% Bornito Sheeps Fescue, 19% Pardus Meadow Fescue, 29% Sergei ZS Strong  Creeping Red Fescue, 3% Euromic Micro Clover.

Sowing Times; March to  June,  September to October. Before sowing, there are a couple of things to consider. This will  struggle to germinate in the Summer, and if you try to sow it in the  Winter, you will find that the seed will not germinate at all.

Sow at 35-50g per square metre

Yes, we sell grass seed all year round, that's because it stores exceptionally well when it is kept properly. So although, yes you might have bought it in the Winter, but that doesn't translate to being able to germinate in the Winter.

Pretty Wild Seeds are registered with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) under number 7529, so you can have confidence in both our products and advice. Although our products are listed in weights and acres, we can supply in additional quantities upon enquiry so if you need a larger supply, please don't hesitate to give us a call.

  • 500g for £9.99
  • 1Kg for £16.99
  • 2Kg for £24.99
  • 5Kg for £54.99
  • 10Kg for £79.99
  • 20kg for £149.99
  • 50kg for £279.99
  • 100kg for £530.00
  • Quantities from: £16.99

  • Sow at 35-50g per square metre

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    The Super Micro Meadow Grass Lawn Seed Mix Low Maintenance Lawn is shown in Grass Seeds > Amenity Grass Seeds , Grass Seeds > Meadow Grass Seeds.

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    We happily accept returns within 14 days from date of delivery. All returns must be received in the same condition and packaging we sent them. Postage charges will not be refunded on unwanted products.

    You are solely responsible for ensuring the goods are returned to us. We will not be liable for returns that are lost in the post or lost for any other reason. If a product arrives damaged we will advise the customer how to return the item with all return costs covered by us.  Replacements & refunds will be dispatched / issued on receipt of the returned items only.

    Pre-Sowing Tips; Preparing your seedbed well goes a long way  to ensuring successful germination and the future production of a  fantastic lawn. One of the first things you'll consider is the  quality of the soil you are working with - determining what soil  type you have will help you greatly as in in some instances, you may  have extremely poor soil quality (e.g. leftover builders material in  a new build) and it may be advisable to add top soil. Other soil  types such as sandy, clay and loam can all be worked with but will  still need to be well prepared. The ideal seedbed should be free  from weeds, moss and other debris. It will also need to be well  draining to prevent water logging and of course, level.

    The most import pre-sowing tips  to note is; AVOID FROSTS AT ALL COSTS.

    To Sow A New Lawn; Dig the  soil over to a depth of 20-25cm then remove weeds by hand or use a  weed killer. Add top soil if you have found your soil to be of lower  quality, raking the area to get a level seedbed.

    Sow the seed at our recommended rate of 35-50g per m2, by hand but it's  just as useful to use a seed spreader. After sowing rake the seed in  so the seeds are amongst the soil, which will need to be firmed down  by foot or a roller, to help encourage seed to soil contact.

    To Overseed A Lawn; You'll  need to remove any dead grass, weeds or moss by scarifying or raking  the area, enough so the soil becomes loose. We recommend you sow the  seed at a rate of 35g per m2, by using a seed spreader or simply by  hand.

    Once you've spread your seed, rake in enough that the soil and seed  are essentially one, then firm down by foot to improve seed to soil  contact.