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This is a 100% wild flower seeds mix, no fillers or mixed with compost like some cheap mixes on the market today.
Mix 12 contains a mix of Cornfield & Wildflower seeds perfect for both insects and wildlife, especially attractive to butterflies. The mix contains Corn Flower, Corn Marigold, Corn Chamomile, Corn Cockle, Corn Poppy, Oxeye Daisy, Red Campion, Sainfoin, Pheasants Eye, Forget Me Not, Golden Tickseed, Salad Burnet, Northern Lights, Californian Poppy, Foxglove, Red & white clover, Bitter Blue Lupin and Purple Tansy, the annuals in the mix will also self seed. This selection will encourage butterflies and bees to pay your garden a visit.
Sow early spring or Autumn, just scatter the seed and lightly rake in but protect seeds from birds. 10g will cover approx. 2-5 square metres.
Pretty Wild Seeds are registered with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) under number 7529, so you can have confidence in both our products and advice. Although our products are listed in weights and acres, we can supply in additional quantities upon enquiry so if you need a larger supply, please don't hesitate to give us a call.
Quantities from: £3.75

The Mix 12 Pure Wildflower Meadow Mix is shown in Wild Flowers > Pure Wildflower Seed Mixes.
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We happily accept returns within 14 days from date of delivery. All returns must be received in the same condition and packaging we sent them. Postage charges will not be refunded on unwanted products.
You are solely responsible for ensuring the goods are returned to us. We will not be liable for returns that are lost in the post or lost for any other reason. If a product arrives damaged we will advise the customer how to return the item with all return costs covered by us. Replacements & refunds will be dispatched / issued on receipt of the returned items only.
Endeavour to select ground that is not highly fertile and does not have a problem with perennial weeds. Good preparation is essential to success so aim to control weeds and produce a good quality seed bed before sowing. To prepare a seed bed first remove weeds using repeated cultivation or a herbicide. Then plough or dig to bury the surface vegetation, harrow or rake to produce a medium tilth, and roll, or tread, to produce a firm surface. Sowing Seed is best sown in the autumn or spring but can be sown at other times of the year if there is sufficient warmth (not too warm as seeds will hibernate) and moisture. The seed must be surface sown and can be applied by machine or broadcast by hand. To get an even distribution and avoid running out divide the seed into two or more parts and sow in overlapping sections. Do not incorporate or cover the seed but firm in with a roll, or by treading, to give good soil/seed contact.